Section Overview

On this page, you will find a list of posts containing expanded and detailed information about any updates or news regarding the projects I have completed or am currently working on. I have categorized the posts as follows:

Festival News
Information pertaining to films I worked on that made it into film festivals.

Information about screenings containing or of films I worked on.

Miscellaneous life updates!

Thank you again for taking the time to read this post, feel free to email me at or comment on this post if you have any questions or comments.


“Supernova” makes it into Cucalorus 2017!

Cucalorus Film Festival takes place during November 8th through the 12th. “Supernova” will be playing in the “Thalian Black” downtown stage during the “Cabbage Head Shorts: Animation” on Friday the 10th at 10:00AM. You can view the full schedule here! I’m personally extremely lucky for this one because this happens to …

“Supernova” makes it into Full Bloom 2017!

Supernova’s first film festival! Full Bloom is a film festival that has been running for a few years in Statesville, NC with 2017 being their third year. This year the festival ran September 14th-16th and “Supernova” played during the animation for kid’s block. You can view their line-up of animated …